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Thorny Olive Elaeagnus pungens 20 Seeds USA Company

Thorny Olive Elaeagnus pungens 20 Seeds USA Company

Regular price $12.99 USD
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Elaeagnus pungens, commonly known as thorny olive or silverthorn, is an evergreen shrub native to eastern Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea. It belongs to the Elaeagnaceae family and is known for its hardiness, adaptability, and ornamental value.

This shrub typically grows to a height of 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 meters) and has a dense, bushy growth habit. The leaves are leathery, elliptical to lanceolate in shape, and have a silvery-gray color on the underside, giving the plant its common name "silverthorn." The branches are often armed with sharp spines or thorns, providing additional protection against browsing animals.

In late fall to early winter, Elaeagnus pungens produces small, fragrant flowers that are usually inconspicuous but have a sweet fragrance. These are followed by small, edible fruits that ripen in spring or early summer. The fruits are red-orange to orange in color and are sometimes used in preserves or eaten fresh, although they are not as commonly cultivated for culinary use as some other species of Elaeagnus.

Thorny olive is valued in landscaping for its attractive foliage, tolerance of a wide range of soil types, and ability to withstand drought and poor soil conditions. It is often used as a hedge plant, windbreak, or specimen shrub in gardens and urban landscapes. Additionally, it provides cover and food for birds and other wildlife, further enhancing its ecological value.


Growing Instructions for the Thorny Olive


The seeds have a period of dormancy. They can be planted outdoors in the fall or winter for spring germination or they can be cold stratified to simulate winter conditions and to break their dormancy at any time of the year. 1. Place the seeds in a plastic bag and seal it. Store the bag in a refrigerator for 3 months. 2. The seeds like moist soil. Fill a pot with a mixture of half potting soil and half sand or vermiculite. 3. Sow the seeds on the soil and cover them with a thin layer of soil. 4. Water the container. 5. Put the pot in a warm, sunny area. 6. Water the pot regularly so that the soil is moist but not wet. The seeds germinate in 1 to 2 months. 7. The seedlings can be transplanted when they are a few inches tall.


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