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Southern Catalpa Catalpa bignonioides 100 Seeds USA Company

Southern Catalpa Catalpa bignonioides 100 Seeds USA Company

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Catalpa bignonioides, commonly known as the Southern catalpa, Indian bean tree, or cigar tree, is a deciduous tree native to the southeastern United States. Here's a description of Catalpa bignonioides:

Appearance: Catalpa bignonioides typically grows to a height of 30-60 feet (9-18 meters) with a spread of about 20-40 feet (6-12 meters). It has a broad, rounded crown and a straight trunk.

Leaves: The leaves of Catalpa bignonioides are large, heart-shaped, and typically measure 6-12 inches (15-30 cm) in length. They are arranged oppositely along the branches and have a coarse texture. The foliage is dark green in summer and may turn yellow or brown before dropping in autumn.

Flowers: One of the most striking features of Catalpa bignonioides is its showy, fragrant flowers. These trumpet-shaped flowers appear in late spring to early summer, usually in May or June. They are white with purple and yellow markings and are borne in large, upright clusters known as panicles. The flowers attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Fruit: After flowering, Catalpa bignonioides produces long, slender seed pods that can reach up to 12 inches (30 cm) in length. These pods hang persistently on the tree throughout the winter. Each pod contains numerous small, winged seeds.

Bark: The bark of Catalpa bignonioides is grayish-brown and becomes deeply furrowed with age, developing ridges and scales.

Habitat: Catalpa bignonioides is commonly found growing in a variety of habitats, including bottomlands, along riverbanks, and in disturbed areas. It prefers moist, well-drained soils but can tolerate a range of soil types and pH levels.

Uses: Catalpa bignonioides is cultivated as an ornamental tree for its attractive flowers and unique appearance. It is also valued for its relatively fast growth rate, making it a popular choice for shade and landscaping. Additionally, the wood of Catalpa trees is lightweight, durable, and resistant to rot, making it suitable for use in fence posts, railroad ties, and other outdoor applications. Hardy in zones 5-9.

Growing Instructions for the Southern Catalpa

The seeds have a period of dormancy and need to be cold stratified to break their dormancy. The seeds are stored in a refrigerator so they have already been stratified. The seeds need to be planted when received or stored in a refrigerator until they are planted. 1. The seeds like moist, well-drained soil. Fill a pot with a mixture of potting soil and sand, peat moss or vermiculite. Use pots that have drainage holes in the bottom. 2. Sow the seeds on the soil and cover them with a thin layer of soil. 3. Water the container and leave it to drain. 4. Put the pot in a warm, sunny area. 5. Water the pot regularly so that the soil is moist but not wet. 6. The seedlings can be transplanted when they are a few inches tall.


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