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Coin Vine Dalbergia ecastaphyllum 10 Seeds USA Company

Coin Vine Dalbergia ecastaphyllum 10 Seeds USA Company

Regular price $10.99 USD
Regular price $15.99 USD Sale price $10.99 USD
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The Coin Vine is an evergreen plant with medium green leaves, white flowers and flat, coin-shaped pods. It is a coastal species that occurs on beaches and coastal marshes and forests. It can grow as a vine, as a large, sprawling shrub or as a small tree. It is native to Central and Southern Florida and tropical regions around the world. The pods are dispersed by ocean currents and they are often found washed up on beaches as sea beans.


Growing Instructions


  1. The seeds will germinate better if they are not removed from the pods. Soak the pods in water for 2 days.
  2. Plant the pods in soil. Put a mixture of potting soil and sand or perlite in a pot with drainage holes in the base.
  3. Cover the pods with a thin layer of soil.
  4. Water the pods.
  5. The seeds should germinate in one to three weeks.
  6. When the seedlings are a few inches tall, they can be transplanted.



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Care Instructions

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