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Hardy rubber Tree Eucommia ulmoides 100 Seeds USA Company

Hardy rubber Tree Eucommia ulmoides 100 Seeds USA Company

Regular price $14.99 USD
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Eucommia ulmoides is a deciduous tree with a broad, spreading canopy and elliptical, rich green leaves. It is the only hardy tree that produces rubber. Other trees that produce rubber are tropical trees, like the rubber tree, a species of fig, and the main source of natural rubber, Hevea brasiliensis. It is typically grown as an ornamental shade tree because of its attractive glossy green foliage and its excellent resistance to insect and disease problems. It is native to China, but is possibly now extinct in the wild. It is a low-branching tree that typically grows 40-60’ tall with broad ascending branches and a rounded spreading crown. Dioecious with insignificant apetalous greenish brown male flowers (in clusters) and female flowers (solitary) on separate trees. Flowers bloom in April. Female flowers give way to flattened elm-like winged seeds (wings to 1.5” long). Serrate, elliptic to ovate, pointed, elm-like, glossy dark green leaves (3-6” long) remain attractive throughout the growing season. As the common name suggests, rubber can in fact be made from the tree sap. Tear a leaf, break a twig or peel off some bark and a stringy latex-like sap appears. Shade tree for lawns or parks. Street tree. Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soils in full sun to light shade. Best in full sun. Tolerates a range of soil conditions. Hardy in zones 4-7.


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