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Blue Bird Delphiniium 1000 Seeds Larkspur Delphinium cultorum

Blue Bird Delphiniium 1000 Seeds Larkspur Delphinium cultorum

Regular price $14.99 USD
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Delphinium 'Blue Bird' is a Pacific hybrid delphinium that produces gorgeous medium-blue flowers, with white centers. The flowers are produced on tall spikes. Delphiniums, or larkspurs are old-fashioned garden favorites. 'Blue Bird' is a perennial but it is often grown as an annual or a biennial. It blooms in early and mid-summer with long-stemmed flowers that are excellent for cutting. It's a tall variety that looks great at the back of the border or the center of an island bed. The flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. The flower stalks are 3-6 feet tall. Also known as Delphinium cultorum 'Blue Bird'.


Blue Bird is a showy larkspur variety whose flowers look like summer skies. They are double, rich sky blue with a white center. It starts to flower in early June and continues until early August. The older and stronger the plant gets; the more flowers are borne along the stems and the taller the stem grows. Deciduous, basal leaves are palmate, deeply lobed, mid green, up to 7 inches across. Once the flowering has finished you can cut back the entire plant in order to encourage new growths of fresh and healthy leaves as well as the second flush of flowers in late August and September, possibly October. It is incredible to see rich colors of late flowering perennials in autumn gardens when most other plants are slowly fading away. The plants are toxic. They are deer resistant. Hardy in zones 3-8.


Growing Instructions

Grow larkspur in any well-drained, humus-rich garden soil in full sun. It will benefit from mulching as it likes constant moisture. The plant is short-lived unless you once in 3-4 years dig out the clumps in the spring, divide them, and plant back only the young and healthy ones. They should be spaced 18 inches apart. Use a high phosphorus fertilizer every year for profuse flowering.


Delphiniums can be sown indoors in pots 8 weeks before the last frost date or they can be sown directly in the garden in the summer or they can be grown from potted plants at any time of the year. Sow the seeds 1/8" deep in fertile, well-drained soil. Plant then in an area in full sun or part shade. They prefer temperatures in the 70’s F to sprout. The seeds germinate in 21-28 days.


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