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Olive Tree Olea europaea 20 Seeds USA Company

Olive Tree Olea europaea 20 Seeds USA Company

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Olea europaea, commonly known as the olive tree, is a species of evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean Basin, as well as parts of Asia and Africa. Here are some key points about Olea europaea:

Description: The olive tree is a medium-sized evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 8-15 meters. It has a gnarled trunk with a grayish bark and small, narrow leaves that are silvery-green on the underside. The tree produces small, white, fragrant flowers in clusters, which then develop into drupe fruits known as olives.

Cultural Significance: Olive trees have been cultivated for thousands of years for their fruit and oil. They hold significant cultural and symbolic value in Mediterranean cultures, often representing peace, wisdom, and longevity. Olive branches, for example, have been used as symbols of peace and victory since ancient times.

Economic Importance: Olives are primarily grown for their fruit, which is harvested and processed to produce olive oil, one of the most widely used vegetable oils in the world. Olive oil is valued for its flavor, nutritional properties, and various culinary and medicinal uses. Olives themselves are also consumed as table olives, often after curing and brining.

Ecological Role: Olive trees are well-adapted to the Mediterranean climate, withstanding drought and thriving in rocky, arid soils. They provide important habitat and food sources for various wildlife species, including birds and insects.

Cultivation: Olive trees are grown commercially in regions with Mediterranean-like climates around the world, including Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, California, and Australia. They require well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and warm temperatures to thrive. Olive cultivation often involves careful pruning, irrigation, and pest management practices.

Longevity: Olive trees are known for their longevity and can live for centuries, with some specimens believed to be over a thousand years old. The gnarled, twisted trunks of ancient olive trees are iconic features of the Mediterranean landscape. Hardy in zones 8-10.


Growing Instructions


The seeds have a period of dormancy. They can be planted outdoors in the fall or winter for spring germination or they can be cold stratified to simulate winter conditions and to break their dormancy at any time of the year.


  1. Scarify the seeds by nicking or sanding the seed coat.
  2. Soak the seed in water for 48 hours.
  3. Place the seeds in a plastic bag and seal it. Store the bag in a refrigerator for 1 month.
  4. The seeds like moist, well-drained soil. Prepare a mixture of half potting soil and half sand, perlite or vermiculite. Put the soil in a pot.
  5. Sow the seeds on the soil and cover them with a thin layer of soil.
  6. Water the soil.
  7. Put the pot in a warm, sunny area. The seeds take 3-6 weeks to germinate.
  8. Water the pot regularly so that the soil is moist but not wet.
  9. The seedlings can be transplanted when they are a few inches tall.


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